Accueil News Covid-19 Pandemic: a month of mobilising for ds automobiles

Covid-19 Pandemic: a month of mobilising for ds automobiles


In the face of this unprecedented crisis, the women and men from DS Automobiles have fully mobilised to fight the pandemic.

From Monday 9 March, a policy was put in place to protect every employee across all facilities. Working from home was encouraged to tackle an already unusual situation and guidelines were circulated widely to current staff. From Monday 16 March, working from home was widespread, in line with the official ruling.

At the same time, DS Automobiles launched a scheme for the keyworkers helping to fight the pandemic. DS ASSISTANCE has worked out how to remain operational. The regular benefits offered to DS Automobiles customers were given as a priority to keyworkers. With DS SERVICE VALET, it was possible to collect a car and take it for maintenance work without the customer having to go themselves. Throughout France, DS STORES and DS SALONS opened their aftersales department, depending on the availability of colleagues. This strategy was rolled out in all locked-down countries.

After distributing several hundred thousand masks to organisations and medical equipment in France, Italy and Spain, Groupe PSA rose to the challenge of producing 10,000 Air Liquide Medical Systems ventilators. From 22 March, a team of engineers was mobilised and a special workshop was put together in the Poissy factory, where DS 3 CROSSBACK is built, to start producing the central piece of the system. Volunteer employees are now involved in these technical projects and social initiatives to help keyworkers or people who’re self-isolating.

For customers who were to get their DS 3 CROSSBACK or their DS 7 CROSSBACK during the lockdown, DS DELIVERY VALET is free from now on. It enables delivery to an address specified by the customer, while respecting movement limitations, in accordance with stricter health guidelines. The service, already used by hundreds of DS Automobiles customers, enables people to enjoy DS sophistication, even during this period of closure and lockdown!

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