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mardi, mars 11, 2025

    Kevin Hart seriously injured in car crash!

    According to TMZ, Kevin Hart was injured in a car crash not far from his Malibu home, early Sunday morning. His car veered off the road into a ditch, Kevin Hart is recovering from injuries described as “major”.

    The 40-year-old comedian was with two other friends of him, including the driver, at the time of the accident and was taken to the Dignity Health – Northridge Hospital Medical Center in Los Angeles, where he was treated for “major injuries”

    The accident reportedly took place on Sunday morning, Hart’s 1970 Plymouth Barracuda muscle car in a gully about 10 feet from the road, with the car’s roof completely crushed.

    TMZ claims that “Cops have confirmed the vehicle belongs to Kevin, but they tell us he was not driving at the time of the accident. There were 2 other people were in the car, including the driver — and cops say Kevin and the driver both suffered ‘major back injuries.’ The third person is a woman who did not require hospital treatment. Police say the driver had not been drinking.”

    Suivez-nous :

    Faris Bouchaala
    Faris Bouchaala
    Journaliste Automobile - Rédacteur en Chef Adjoint
    Grand passionné d’automobile depuis mon enfance, mon objectif au quotidien était de trouver le moyen d'arracher le volant à mon père. Très peu de gens ont la possibilité de transformer leur passion en une carrière, et il se trouve que je suis l'un de ces quelques privilégiés. J’ai rejoint la presse spécialisée en 2010, après un parcours totalement loin du domaine, car au final c’est la passion qui l’emporte.

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